Important pricing update for Mi ATH Smallcase

July 23, 2020 1 min read

I am very pleased to inform you that we have seen a tremendous acceptance of this flagship momentum product in the last one year and that we are rapidly adding subscribers every day.

The smallcase Mi ST ATH has delivered performance way beyond expectations since launch and has beaten all benchmarks and peer portfolios. It has also been rated as number one portfolio by a third party rating agency.



The introductory ( existing) pricing plan of this portfolio will come to an end on 31 Oct 2020.

The new plans will be
Annual Plan :              14999 incl of GST. Also includes our popular service assurance.
Quarterly Plan :          4999 incl of GST
Monthly Trial Plan :   2499 incl of GST

Update : Due to platform not supporting two prices for different audience, we will be implementing the new pricing for all users.

Any questions, please drop me an email at

0 thoughts on “Important pricing update for Mi ATH Smallcase

  1. Hi Alok !I am your existing customer for stair profits . Pls send me the details of this service Mi small case . How will the account be operated ? Do we require a fresh demat account or existing account with broker where I am trading stair profit calls is enough . Let me know full details  Thank you !Hemant Abichandani

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    1. Sir you will need a broker from the list of 9 empanneled brokers at Please see all details at and let me know on email if you have any queries.

  2. Hello,

    I have purchased the smallcase Mi_MT_Allcap on nov4,2019 and I am very satisfied with it.

    However I do not remember whether I had selected the auto renewal option. Please, is it possible for you to check up at your end. If not could you guide me how to check and do it


    Best Regards

    Vivek Naik


  3. Hi Sir,

    I have subscribed for quarterly plan of Mi_Mt_AllCap on 28th July and would like to move to annual plan. I do not see any option. Do I need to re subscribe? Please guide

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    Important pricing update for Mi ATH Smallcase