NNF10 / NG5050 Monthly Rebalance

May 31, 2021 1 min read

NNF10 our 10 stock rotational momentum strategy that tracks NNF index rebalances monthly. This month there is one replacement. If you are a NNF10 users, please see that you get the rebalance tomorrow morning . It has been a great month for NNF10 clocking 11.93% returns vs the underlying index at 8.61% in May 2021.

For more details and to subscribe click here


NG5050 our FREE equal weight Nifty and Gold ETF strategy also rebalances every month. This strategy has clocked a 5.5% return in the month of May 2021

For more details and to subscribe click here

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    NNF10 / NG5050 Monthly Rebalance