Train your mind for worst case scenario

December 20, 2023 4 min read

How Our Behavior Affects Investment Outcomes

Behavioural finance is an important aspect of investing that focuses on how our behaviour and emotions can influence our investment decisions and outcomes. In this article, we will delve deeper into this topic and explore how training our minds to consider worst and best-case scenarios can help us make more informed investment choices.

Image Credits : Rener Gracie

The Power of Preparing for Worst Case Scenarios

One intriguing concept in behavioural finance is the idea that if we consistently train ourselves to prepare for the worst-case scenarios, those scenarios may never occur. This notion can be applied to the world of investing as well. When buying stocks or building portfolios, it is crucial to consider the worst-case scenarios based on historical market events.

For example, if we look back at significant market crashes like the 1929 fall, the Japanese fall, the 2008 financial crisis, or the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we can imagine ourselves being in those situations. By playing out these worst-case scenarios in our minds, we train ourselves to mentally prepare for such events.

Understanding that worst-case scenarios have occurred before and can happen again helps us develop a more realistic perspective. It prevents us from being blindsided by market downturns and prepares us to react without being overwhelmed by panic or shock.

When we consistently contemplate the worst-case scenario, we are better equipped to handle adverse situations in the market. It allows us to think ahead and strategize about how we would respond if such scenarios were to unfold. This mental rehearsal empowers us to act more effectively because we have already played out different scenarios in our minds.

On the other hand, not considering the worst case scenario leaves us vulnerable. Without a plan or preparedness, we might find ourselves frozen in shock when confronted with unexpected market downturns. This reactive mindset can lead to poor decision-making and unfavourable investment outcomes.

Momentum Investing: Striking a Balance

Momentum investing can be a challenging strategy to follow. It often requires making tough decisions, such as selling stocks at a loss when they have declined by 20%, 30%, or even 40%. However, by consistently training ourselves to embrace this style of investing, we become more comfortable with taking such actions.

Simultaneously, it is essential not to limit ourselves to only considering worst-case scenarios. In momentum investing, we must also allow our winners to continue thriving without being fearful of potential market highs. By maintaining a balanced mindset, we can achieve a more comprehensive understanding of different scenarios and make informed decisions accordingly.

Developing a Clinical Approach

Over time, as we internalise these principles and concepts, we begin to adopt a more clinical approach to investing. The market becomes less exciting and emotional as we follow a well-defined strategy, adhere to a plan, and implement specific rules or guidelines. We acknowledge that there will be ups and downs, successes and failures, and we learn to navigate through them without being swayed by extreme emotions.

By aiming to achieve this state of mind, we gradually detach ourselves from the emotions associated with each trade, drawdown, or rally. Whether we experience a string of successful trades or face a series of setbacks, we maintain a composed attitude. Understanding that investing is a numbers game and that there will inevitably be both wins and losses helps us stay grounded and focused on the bigger picture.


Ultimately, the goal is to reach a state where investing becomes like second nature, almost running on autopilot. At this stage, we are neither overly excited by achievements nor disheartened by setbacks. We develop a sense of detachment where the outcomes of individual trades do not have a profound impact on our emotions or overall confidence.

Achieving this state of mind requires practice and self-awareness. We must consistently remind ourselves of the importance of maintaining a clinical approach and not allowing our emotions to dictate our investment decisions. Gradually, this mindset becomes ingrained in our investment strategies, allowing us to navigate the market with more confidence, composure, and discipline.

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    Train your mind for worst case scenario