As promised the Goog Sheet …

February 12, 2018 1 min read

As promised here is a goog sheet portfolio sample with all formulae etc… you can make a copy of this ( Go to file / make a copy/ save ) and then modify it suitable for your need.  I hope this will be as beneficial to you as has been to me and weekend investing subscribers.

If you think this is useful to you, then please do me a favour. Once the charity foundation I am setting up is ready in a few weeks, donate whole-heartedly to the cause of cancer prevention through it.


0 thoughts on “As promised the Goog Sheet …

  1. Dear Alok ji

    What is this sheet for only an example to setup google sheet for mi25 or mi40 portfolio right

    Thanks & Warm Regards.
    CHETAN SAREES (1977)
    (The Bridal Paradise)
    Tel: +91 11 2324 2555, 4362 9355,
    93504 79179, 98114 23101.

  2. Dear Sir, I saw your mail and most of the things understand and some things still not..1.When this MI-20 slots will be open and when i  should  arrange the money in my account for buying shares.2.When i have to pay the fees  to you..3.when you will give the recommendations..4.Now i am using Zen securites as broker because i am doing  most of trading as offline..please give my some brief idea to arrange funds..

  3. Dear Alok,

    Great to share the Google sheet sheet. I am a newbee investor and have been always wondering about the right time to exit once I have entered into a position. I have always wanted a rule based approach as you have also advocated. Could you throw some light on this in terms of what should be the % loss or a % gain at which I must exit. Shall be wonderful to have your thoughts.

    Warm regards.

  4. I understand this sheet is useful to track and manage equity portfolio. there will be a new sheet with new set of stocks available when Mi20 is launched. Is that correct?

  5. Alok, can you guide how do I use this sheet. Do we just enter the stocks we hold and it will get updated realtime?

  6. Hi had applied for Mi 20 through registration on website , no details received yet till date . Please do respond . Thanks

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    As promised the Goog Sheet …