Can inflation ruin our near future ?

October 30, 2023 4 min read

The Rising Wave of Inflation: Comparing the Past and Present

Inflation, a term that strikes fear into the hearts of investors and economists alike. It is a phenomenon that has plagued economies throughout history, causing turmoil and uncertainty. Today, we find ourselves once again at a crossroads, as inflation rates seem to be on the rise. In this blog post, we will explore a thought-provoking chart by Game of Trades and dive into the parallels between the inflationary waves of the past and the potential future.

Image Credits : Game of Trades

Created with the intention of comparing the inflationary periods of the 1970s and the last decade, this chart provides valuable insights. The similarities it portrays between the two eras raise important questions about the path of inflation and its potential consequences.

Drawing Parallels with the Past

When examining the chart, one immediately notices the resemblance between the rising waves of inflation in the late 1960s and early 1970s and those witnessed in recent years. In both cases, inflation started to climb steadily, followed by a period of stabilisation before another, more significant wave hit. This pattern suggests that history may be repeating itself.

The chart also proposes that the ability to control inflation may be at stake. In the 1970s, policymakers eventually gained control over the rising inflation rates. However, the time frame of the current inflationary wave leaves us with uncertainty about the future. Are we destined to experience another inflationary upheaval that could potentially shake the global economy in the next two to three years? This notion cannot be ruled out, leaving many experts puzzled.

Shattering Preconceived Notions

In the past, experts often predicted that inflationary pressures would be transitory, or that higher interest rates would successfully curb inflation. However, recent events have nullified these assumptions. It has become apparent that predicting the future path of inflation is no small feat. Even the Federal Reserve, typically seen as the harbinger of economic stability, finds itself shooting in the dark in an attempt to bring down economic growth and combat the looming threat of an inflationary bubble.

The challenges facing policymakers and experts alike only serve to further complicate the already murky situation. Growing doubts emerge about whether they will be able to address the mounting inflationary pressures effectively. As such, the remainder of the decade may prove to be uncertain and tricky to navigate, causing concern for investors and economists around the world.

A New Era of Interest Rates

For the past four decades, the world has experienced a gradual decline in interest rates. This environment has significantly influenced global economic dynamics. However, it is crucial to understand that this era of decreasing interest rates may be drawing to a close. While there may be temporary cooling-off periods in interest rates, overall growth will not be able to fill the gap created by the burden of interest that the world has taken upon itself.

The implications of this shift are significant. Without a climactic event, such as a war or a currency devaluation, it may be challenging to restore balance and stability to the global economy. The potential consequences of such an event would reverberate throughout financial markets and have far-reaching implications for businesses and individuals alike.

Navigating Uncertain Waters

With the possibility of inflationary waves on the horizon, investors are left with the daunting task of protecting their assets. In such uncertain times, diversification becomes crucial. Investing in different asset classes can help mitigate risks and preserve wealth. Furthermore, employing momentum investing strategies can provide an edge by identifying stocks that show promise and avoiding those that may be heading for trouble.

It is essential to approach investment decisions without bias or emotional attachments. By focusing on factual and data-driven analysis, investors can make informed choices that align with their long-term financial goals.

The Bottom Line

As we analyse economic indicators and study historical patterns, it becomes clear that we are on the cusp of a critical juncture. The rising wave of inflation and the potential consequences it carries are impossible to ignore. While we cannot predict the precise outcome with certainty, it is crucial to stay informed, adapt strategies, and diversify investments.

In this uncertain landscape, investors and economists alike must remain vigilant and prepared for a range of potential scenarios. By monitoring market trends, maintaining a diversified portfolio, and utilising strategies informed by solid research, we can navigate the complexities of a changing global economy. The time to act is now, as the turbulent waters of inflation draw ever closer.

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    Can inflation ruin our near future ?