Crude is the black swan for India

September 10, 2024 3 min read

The Potential Impact of Rising Oil Prices on the Market

A question that comes up frequently is, what could be the next major event to cause a downturn in the market? Currently, there seems to be a lack of triggers that could pull the market down. However, one factor that has the potential to shake things up is the price of Brent crude oil. When we look at the past 20 years and adjust for inflation, the price of crude oil has remained largely unchanged.

Oil Prices and Inflation Adjustment

While other goods and services have increased in price when adjusted for inflation, crude oil has not seen the same rise. This is significant because it means that, in terms of purchasing power, oil-producing nations are facing a decline. These nations rely heavily on oil as a resource, and as everything else becomes more expensive, their purchasing power has diminished compared to the rest of the world. This creates a challenging situation for these economies, especially when oil prices are not keeping pace with inflation.

The Pressure on Oil-Producing Nations

Oil-producing nations are under pressure because their primary resource, oil, has not gained value in line with inflation. This puts them in a difficult position, and one of the few tools they have is to try and increase the price of oil. If these nations decide to push for higher oil prices in the future, it could have a significant impact on global markets. Such an event may not seem likely at the moment, but it’s a possibility that cannot be ignored.

India’s Vulnerability to Oil Price Increases

India is one of the countries that would be most vulnerable if oil prices were to rise sharply. India imports a large portion of its oil, and any significant increase in the price of crude would lead to higher costs for fuel and energy, which in turn could have a ripple effect throughout the economy. A sharp rise in oil prices could lead to higher inflation in India, putting pressure on consumers and businesses alike. This makes India especially sensitive to any major changes in the global oil market.

A Possible Black Swan Event for the Market

While there is no immediate indication that oil prices are set to rise dramatically, the possibility of such an event always exists. If oil-producing nations decide to push for higher prices, it could act as a “black swan” event, something unexpected that causes significant disruption to the market. This would be especially true for India, where rising oil prices could lead to economic instability and a downturn in the stock market.

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    Crude is the black swan for India