Good week, 3 changes +39.14%

September 23, 2016 2 min read

Mi50 closed at +39.14% vs 37.39% last week. The change in performance beat that of Nifty @0.6% and CNX500 @1.1%image-75


The out-performance has been on a uptick since few weeks. The relative out-performance has closed at its highest weekly close at 22.06%



The three stocks that have moved out with exit price and net gains are:

SUPREMEIND 739 21.2%
APLAPOLLO 797.15 6.54%
WONDERLA 411.71 -5.98%

The stocks added are:

9/23/2016 KIRLOSENG 346.92
9/23/2016 HITECHGEAR 373.86


As the strategy matures it will accumulate profits (hopefully) and hence every subsequent addition at 2% of equity will become larger in absolute terms. It has reached about 2.75% of original equity now. So we may not have 50 shares at all times. we have 48 now.


The current draw down is -0.56%


The distribution of profits of current trades and the win/loss ratios :



All Wins Avg Losses Avg
52 39.17% 19 -4.11%

I am pretty pleased to have hit 40% intra-day today. So far it has been a dream run. In the 10 year back-test two top grossing years were 2007@88% and 2014@98%. On an annualized basis we are in the ball park right now barring a second half mishap 🙂

The Fed meet has passed smoothly. The next points of turbulence are Nov US elections and Dec rate hike. My gut sense is that we are going much much higher by mid of next year.

Have a happy weekend.

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    Good week, 3 changes +39.14%