Good week…one change..

June 3, 2016 1 min read

Removed today

6/3/2016 TVTODAY 290.00

This trade resulted in a loss of 6.5% on the trade.

Added today

6/3/2016 KSL 185.25


Overall mi50 gain to date is 10.94%

image (12)

The win loss ratios are quite satisfactory so far.

Wins Avg Losses Avg
36.00 17.97% 18 -5.05%

The biggest gainer remains Kakat Cem at +130% and biggest loser is SakhtiSugar at -10%

The study is educational for all purposes for you. I am however running a sizable amount of capital on this as a personal strategy.

Happy Weekend. Play hard.


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    Good week…one change..