Introducing the second system – Mi25!

April 1, 2017 3 min read

As promised, a new system Mi25 is being launched here today. While the entry and exits logic are different than Mi50 , the basic tenets of wide diversification, position sizing, trend following all which are key to mi50 are also present here. The key differentiation will be that Mi25 will be more nimble and spirited than Mi50.

I have been trading Mi25 in the background and found Mi25 results to be quite aggressive. It is likely that the logic here is amenable to many more signals than that in Mi50 and the current small cap bull run may be a big reason as well.  The backtests are very encouraging. In the last 14 years of backtest, it lost on 2 occasions CY2008 (-24%) and CY2011 (-14%).

Mi25 will go paid (nominal and charitable) as soon as that setup is ready to take the funds. Till then i will run here on this blog weekly. Mi50 will remain bread and butter for me and will be used in direct advisory. The Mi50 status will be updated here monthly.

Mi25 report with sells / buys and respective allocation will be put up every weekend for everybody. Once we go live on the subscription, the trades will also be available during live market (for subscribers only).  You can use the Mi25 to run a portfolio alongside me or just use the entries and exits of the momentum stocks picked in your own strategies.  A separate website and blog is under construction for the same.

So to recap :
Mi25 – a momentum strategy on 25 (max) stocks
Action – once a week only
Expected returns : 25% CAGR+ over long term to help you reach Financial Independence.

Now, the Mi25 portfolio as it stands on March 31st 2017 is the following. As a matter of fact, I am also restarting my mi25 portfolio on a equal weighted basis (4% each) in the stocks below although some of them may have run up since their signal just to be inline with this start. So for a model INR 10,00,000 portfolio, the Mi25 Portfolio can be structured as follows. You can use multiples of 10Lacs or a lower that 10L portfolio amount and adjust accordingly.

Symbol Buy avg Quantity
CANDC 35.3 1,133
CEREBRAINT 38.95 1,027
CHAMBLFERT 86.55 462
GEOJITFSL 58.9 679
KNRCON 193.5 207
EIHOTEL 120.85 331
DAAWAT 65.8 608
MAWANASUG 82.9 483
NFL 76.7 522
NEXTMEDIA 22.2 1,802
PNBGILTS 53.05 754
RMCL 34 1,176
TOKYOPLAST 114.2 350
TFCILTD 82.25 486
TRITURBINE 144.9 276
TVSELECT 171.05 234
WSTCSTPAPR 174.75 229
ITDCEM 170.55 235

If you have queries, shoot them over email or twitter @rohiniglobal. I will not be able to provide phone support but will try to respond to each query.

Lets Play!

0 thoughts on “Introducing the second system – Mi25!

  1. Want to segregate one system proceeds for which be subscription based going to charity. Most ppl cannot handle 50 stocks. There will be stock overlap between the two.

    Mi50 continues as well.


    1. If you own 5 stocks – all from 5 different sectors and with enough liquidity (No Micro/Smallcaps) to sell when signal turns sell how can you lose all of your capital?
      I actually own 4 stocks in my personal portfolio since 01 June 2016.

    2. Jigs, to each his own…. My whole idea is to not enter a position with any bias…certainly not my judgement of how a sector will perform. I am nobody to say how well a concentrated pf may do. My strategy is different.

  2. Great initiative, Alok. My congratulations to you for launching this. You can count me as a subscriber as when you make it paid service. I wish you all best. Success to trend following.

  3. I wish you all the success in your new venture, specially because it is towards charity. I would like to be a member. Please keep me posted.

  4. Hi Alok,

    Many congratulations and all the very best for future.

    Makes me very happy that the income generated from the paid service will be going to charity. You can count me in as paid subscriber. I have mentioned this to you on twitter as well, more than your performance its your transparency that I really like. Very rare in investing world. Don’t ever lose that.

    I had one question, Will you be making only Mi25 or both Mi25 & Mi50 open to paid service? if so then which one is suited for what kind of investors?

    One other thing, I am sure you must have shortlisted the charity you want to support but if you are looking for ideas then Dakshana Foundation and World Vision are doing some really good work. I personally support 13 children from these institution myself.

    Lastly, I would like to catch up when I am in India next time, but if you do visit London in the meantime please do give me a buzz. You can reach me on +447438800544.

    Cheers! Niranjan

    On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 8:21 AM, weekendinvesting wrote:

    > rohiniglobal posted: “As promised, a new system Mi25 is being launched > here today. While the entry and exits logic are different than Mi50 , the > basic tenets of wide diversification, position sizing, trend following all > which are key to mi50 are also present here. The key diff” >

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    Introducing the second system – Mi25!