Keep beating the Nifty

October 18, 2024 3 min read

Understanding Nifty Returns Over Time

Investing in the stock market can be a daunting task, especially when looking at the historical ups and downs. But over the years, one thing is clear: investing in Nifty for the long term has shown promising returns, even when the market seemed unpredictable in the short term. A detailed look at historical data shows how much investors have earned based on when they entered the market, and how patience and consistency can pay off.

Source : Capitalmind

Long-Term Gains from Nifty

If someone had invested in Nifty back in 1999 and stayed invested for 26 years, their overall return would have been around 14% annually. This shows that a long-term investment approach can bring solid results. Even during the years when the market experienced volatility, staying committed to the investment has often led to double-digit returns. This steady growth demonstrates the power of time in the market, proving that long-term investors are rewarded well for their patience.

The Worst Time to Invest: 2008 Financial Crisis

One of the most challenging times for investors was the global financial crisis in 2008. Those who made a lump sum investment at the beginning of 2008 experienced a sharp 50% drop in the first year. By the end of the first year, their compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) was at -7%. However, over the years, as the market recovered, this return gradually improved. By today, even those who invested at that difficult time have managed to earn around 10% CAGR. This is significant because it shows that even in the worst-case scenario, long-term investors have still made respectable returns.

Recent Investments and Positive Outcomes

On the other hand, those who invested more recently, such as at the start of 2023, have already enjoyed returns of about 19%. Even those who invested right before the COVID-19 pandemic in January 2020 have made a 17% annual return, showing how quickly the market can recover and reward patient investors. These numbers show that the stock market, despite its occasional dips, has been able to generate strong returns over time, especially for those who stay invested for several years.

Consistency in Returns Over the Last 25 Years

The last 25 years of Nifty’s performance highlight an important fact: regardless of when you started investing, the returns have consistently been in double digits over the long run. Whether you started investing in 1999 or 2017, the average returns have stayed above 10%. For instance, if you had started investing in 2017, your returns by now would also be around 17%. This consistency underscores the value of long-term investing and suggests that market timing is less important than simply being in the market and staying the course.

Overcoming the Fear of Market Dips

A look at the data also shows that there are far fewer bad years than we might expect. The years where Nifty had a negative return, shown by dark red boxes, are very few. In contrast, the green years, where returns were positive, are far more common. Many people hesitate to invest because they fear the occasional bad year, but history suggests these red years are rare. The more common experience is steady growth, as long as you remain invested.

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    Keep beating the Nifty