As you are aware that SEBI has recently mandated norms for the markets to re classify the stocks as Large cap, Mid cap and Small cap as per the following norms:
a. Large Cap: 1st 100 company in terms of full market capitalization
b. Mid Cap: 101st -250th company in terms of full market capitalization
c. Small Cap: 251st company onwards in terms of full market capitalization
Here is the circular.
For our Mi25 product we were so far using companies above INR 500 cr mkt cap up-to INR 5000 cr mkt capitalization.
In line with the change and to keep ourselves relevant with the market definitions to avoid any misrepresentation. In this light the universe of stocks for the small cap products opens up a lot. The largest small cap as defined as per todays’ valuation (23 Aug 2018) is at about INR 8300cr.
With immediate effect from tomorrow, all Mi25 updates will bear this change. For all other products there is no change.