It was a bad month. We restarted the mi25 on Apr 24th again for new subscribers. The gains till then were about 15pct.
The new series ended the period 24th Apr to 31 May at -2.64%, a drawdown of -6.93% from the peak. The max drawdown experienced was -9.90 % on 24 May. The mid cap and small cap indices dipped heavily and so did our strategy.

The out performance of the strategy so far for the FY was all lost and we are now trailing the benchmark indices for the year.
The stocks that were added this month are :
and those removed:
The distribution of current stocks from 21st Apr 2017:
Notable gainers in this period are Chambalfert and TFCI while the top losers are Madhucon and TriveniENg
Lets hope for a better month the next month end! Good Luck!