Mi25- a sneak preview of what is coming..

April 7, 2017 2 min read

I will be shortly launching the subscription based charitable product Mi25. The portfolio has already started its journey and pre-launch logistics are being worked out now. It may be a good idea to meanwhile get potential users to familiarize themselves with what they may expect. So here is a little bit about Mi25 service features …

Once the service starts, you will get live access to a googsheet which has all the data that this strategy is running on. Till such time all weekly updates are available freely here on this blog.  You will also be encouraged to maintain your own googsheet. You will need a google account to access this. Here is a preview of some of the features:

mi25 – PMP So this is the portfolio master page where the detailed portfolio is maintained. The allocation of each stock can be mirrored into your portfolio at entry. The sheet is updated automatically through google finance. Transaction costs are hidden but included. Before the end of each week we will populate the orange and the green box on the right side of the page for the deletions and additions that you will do either in live market or on the next trade day as per your convenience.

mi25 – Monitor This is the monitor page where you will be able to monitor all stocks daily, their current day movements, advance decline summary, large %changes stocks, comparison with benchmarks and overall strategy statistics to date.

Several other pages including various charts and historical performance and FAQs will also be available through this online googsheet. All updates / reminders on trade etc will also be done through the blog and twitter @WeekendInvestng or email (alok@rohiniglobal.com). We will try to avoid phone, SMS, WApp, as much as possible. Please do register your interest by sending your name across.

I have never seen any other managers’ way of keeping and sharing a live portfolio so there may be gaping holes in my way of presentation.  I think I can improve by group think on this. Also in the process, a few other readers may get organized on their own portfolios, learn googsheets etc and send me some blessings :). That is good enough for me. So suggestions are welcome. If you find some errors, do flag them.

Have a great weekend !

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    Mi25- a sneak preview of what is coming..