mi50 Additions and deletions

August 12, 2016 1 min read

8 stocks got removed from the model this week

Add date Name Purchase Sale Gain
4/1/2016 BALRAMCHIN 106.05 113.65 7.17%
4/1/2016 DALMIASUG 99.4 111.25 11.92%
4/4/2016 KAKATCEM 214.69 358.65 67.05%
4/18/2016 MINDACORP 118.12 110.00 -6.87%
4/4/2016 SAKHTISUG 39.39 39.75 0.91%
4/4/2016 TRIVENI 52.96 51.05 -3.61%
7/29/2016 MANALIPETC 33.90 28.60 -15.63%

8th stock Oudh Sugar was at lower circuit. Will be sold on open.


The additions to the portfolio are :

8/12/2016 NATCOPHARM 631.00
8/12/2016 SUNDRMFAST 233.45
8/12/2016 VLSFINANCE 62.50
8/12/2016 VESUVIUS 965.00
8/12/2016 AJANTPHARM 1903.30

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    mi50 Additions and deletions