Mi50 at an ATH – +52.46% YTD

February 11, 2017 1 min read

Mi50 finally closed the week at its All Time High at +52.46% for FY1617. This is in contrast with +13.6% for NSE50 and +18.3% for CNX500.

There were no changes this week as well. image-29image-30


The longest drawdown to-date of nearly 15% in November 2016 has lasted for about three months.


The current trades are doing well with more than half a dozen lurking in the near 100% gain category.


The diversification is quite distributed. A further segmentation of the “Industrial” segment probably is needed.


The internals of the Mi50 are robust. The current win: loss is about 4:1, much above the targeted 2:1 and the overall churn of 1.1x is also within expected realms of 1.5x churn per year.


Wins Avg Losses Avg
Invested 38 37.77% 7 -9.07%
Exited  38 32.48% 22 -8.58%

The market is within a few pct of its ATH. I would expect it to wiggle around this mark for sometime before decisively breaking out to much higher ground.

The party is delayed due to loss of a  family member recently. I don’t feel like celebrating. Have a Happy Weekend.

0 thoughts on “Mi50 at an ATH – +52.46% YTD

  1. Very good performance Alok 52% is great by any standard.
    Steel pipe sector (one of my 4 picks) started momentum last week I guess.
    I am surprised your system is not making any entry or exit. Turning point – ‘Triple Top’ in Market? I could be wrong.

    1. Tks.

      Triple top or not, no idea. It will be level tough to cross for sure.

      Regarding exits, my system is not designed to do exits unless stocks fall apart. There are buying options popping up daily but capital is fully utilized.

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    Mi50 at an ATH – +52.46% YTD