Yes you have read it right.
I will be closing Mi ST ATH for new subscription end of this month.
This will have no impact on existing users who will continue to run the strategy as usual and renew as and when needed. It will be closed for any new user who comes in post this month.
The strategy has been hugely successful with it clocking upwards of 160% in this FY and an amazing 51%+ CAGR over the last 5 years. The strategy was launched exactly two years ago and due to its resounding success I wish to limit the users who can come into the strategy going forward.
I wish to thank you for the thousands of patrons ATH has had and wish them continued success with it going forward.
Dear Mr Alok Jain, Good Afternoon,
I want to subscribe paying your fees as i am retired i do not want to get my portfolio linked to any Broker house , i can buy the stock with and i like to invest on my own without being linked to .any broker .
if it is allowed for MI ST A, DO PROVIDE BANK DETAILS FOR NEFT, transfer., I DEEPLY REGRET THAT MY EARLIER EXPERIENCE WITH OTHER SMALL CASE ADVISORS and getting linked to broker , i have lost money, hence i do not want any link except recommendations which i i shall buy and hold, i want recommendations through mail.
i appreciate your reply
Thanking you Best Regards,
Dr Venkateshan Mob: +91 9845286466
Sure sir. please visit and go for any LIVE portfolio which is delivered through email
Dear Alok,
How to subscribe to your services.
Hello sir
Please visit or
Mi ATH is a resounding success and is giving immense satisfaction. No worries looking at the market..just clik on rebalance..enjoy peace of mind
Thank you Sovmuch Alok Ji Its wonderful to be in the smallcase.
Thank you very much for your kind words
Can’t i enjoy the service if i am renewing after some gap from first time subscription to second time?
Since the subscription process are all automated at smallcase, this will not be possible
Sir, can you please tell me when is the last date for subscribing to the Mi ST ATH plan.
Planned last day is Apr 1 2021
Thank you for the reply Sir. Will take the subscription on 1st April 2021.
Sir, just now tried to make one year payment, but the Credit Card payment is not accepting. Please look into it and advise.
Sebi does not allow CC
Sir, I paid one year fee via UPI, well I just want to know if I keep the funds by the end of this month, is that fine or on the subscription day 1 itself I have to keep funds, please advise.
you can invest whenver you like
What has been the max drawdown in Mi ST ATH and what has been the max period under water ?
has details on the drawdown. The site has long term charts of each strategy for drawdown durations
Is the subscription closed now?
It is open till Sat night.
Any other subscriptions that you will be closing soon?
Yes sir . Announcements soon.
Alok sir, i have been new to stock market, and i just randomly watch your video in youtube feed, since then till date i sawed ur every video of daily bites.. Sir its just that i want a subscription to mi ath2 and mi mt allcap …. If i was would know about it i have definitely subscribed it…’s an humble request alok jain sir
Please send us mail.
“The strategy has been hugely successful with it clocking upwards of 160% in this FY and an amazing 51%+ CAGR over the last 5 years. The strategy was launched exactly two years ago.”
How you calculate CAGR over last 5 years if this strategy launched two years ago ?
It was launched on smallcase platform in 2019 but strategy has been running since 2016 in own accounts.
I bought the subscription and linked it with my inactive HDFC account, unable to link it with active account, what can be done now? 🙁
Please send mail to and they should be able to change it
Its been a while since they are looking into it. If they refund and ask to buy again will i be allowed again? First time so don’t know how it works
Sir please keep the response on email so it can go to support
Hi Mr. Alok,
I just came across this post. Is there any possible way that you can open the subscription for this small case for another day?
I have been following this small case for quite some time and when I tried to subscribe today It threw an error.
Sorry this is closed for now. Allcap is a great strategy that is close to ATH too.
Thanks for the reply Sir.
Really hard luck that I couldn’t get to this post in time. Please do let me know if there is anyway I can access this in future.
Hi Alok,
Are you planning to reopen Mi ST ATH anytime soon for new investors ? I missed this post and now I can’t apply for this smallcase sadly.
No sir
Hello. I had renewed my subscription for Mi_ST ATH but am unable to login to its portal to view my potfolio. Is there a specific link to use to login to my Mi ST ATH potfolio?
Please try in the app or through your broker site example
else send mail to
Hey Alok,
I’ve been following you since a while and have to appreciate you a lot for your seamless services to retail investors like us. Thanks a lot man from bottom of my heart :’)
On that note, I would like to subscribe to All Cap smallcase. Been wondering if this could be the right time to get in or wait for sometime since markets are falling due to rising covid situation ?
I’d like to know your take on this.
I’ve read somewhere above that you’re planning to take down some other case as well and that announcement is yet to be delivered very soon. If that’s the case please let me know now itself so that I can get into it and become your happy customer. I really don’t wanna miss out on the All cap and Mi 25 cases.
Waiting for your response :))
Thank you and Best Regards.
Thank you so much!! We are rapidly increasing our subscriber base and hence there is likelihood that more services will get closed for new subscriptions in coming months.
Nevertheless, I’ve taken the all cap subscription today and would like to get into it from the very next trading day. Any advice on the entry ??
Let me know regarding the other question about the potential shut down of any other model portfolios on smallcase.
Thank you :’)
Tks. Please send all queries to
Hi, Will there be any change in the efforts you and your team put in this smallcase ? I hope it won’t be neglected in long term
There is no change on that. It still is our premier strategy and will open again in a few months
Hey Alok,
Would be glad if you could reveal the potential opening date of ATH case. I know it’s hard to do so owing to the increasing traffic but if you ever plan to do so, please let us know beforehand via a mail or something else.
Thank you very much for the existing services.
Hi. Yes it is difficult to estimate. Will surely announce it