Time for India to take off is coming !

December 8, 2023 4 min read

Understanding the Robustness of FDI Flow Into India

In recent times, there has been a notable increase in the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) into India. According to the latest statistics, FDI has risen by approximately 10% in the current calendar year, which is a remarkable achievement. The numbers speak for themselves: in the month of November alone, the FDI inflow reached a staggering 1.75 lakh crores. This robust growth is not limited to FDI alone, as other sectors such as auto sales, cement production, and steel production are also experiencing impressive gains. This trend is further amplified by the significant investments in the real estate sector by large institutions and developers.

As an insider, we may not realise the full extent of this growth since we experience it on a daily basis. However, for outsiders who only occasionally observe the Indian market, this sudden surge in the dynamics of the economy is becoming increasingly evident. To put this into perspective, let’s take a look at China’s FDI chart over the past 25 years. In 2023, China witnessed an outward flow of $11.8 billion in foreign direct investment, which is the first such occurrence in a quarter of a century. This outcome clearly indicates a shift in focus, with other nations like Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, and Brazil potentially benefiting from China’s declining engine of growth.

Chart credits : @Barchart

India, in particular, has already started reaping the benefits of this shift. More and more companies and vendors are setting up shop in the country, both in the manufacturing and services sectors. This gradual change is often imperceptible on a day-to-day basis, but its long-term implications are significant. My prediction is that sometime in this decade, we will witness an unprecedented wave in the Indian market – one that will be awe-inspiring.

To better understand the potential market growth, let’s examine the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, which measures the value investors are willing to pay for stocks relative to their earnings. Currently, the Indian market is trading at around 2021 times earnings. However, if we were to follow a similar model to that of the American market – which is currently trading at 40-50% above its long-term average – we may see the Indian market rise to 25 or even 30 times earnings. According to these estimates, the Nifty could reach 30,000 at the current earnings level. Such a surge would defy conventional wisdom and logical expectations. However, as liquidity remains the driving force behind these changes, the surmountable challenge lies in providing enough opportunities for all the interested investors.

It is worth noting that one of the reasons why large pension funds like California pension funds have not yet allocated significant portions of their corpus to India is because the Indian market is still not large enough to absorb such substantial investments. Nevertheless, as the market expands steadily, we may witness a situation where the sheer speed and magnitude of this growth catches many investors by surprise.

To fully capitalise on this opportunity, it is crucial to remain invested in the market and have comprehensive strategies in place. In the event of a significant takeoff and subsequent gains, it is essential to preemptively plan how to behave and react to the situation. Just like designing a rocket before launch, it is vital to consider all possible scenarios, such as a sudden burst at the base or a malfunction at a particular altitude. Similarly, a well-thought-out plan is crucial in the stock market to avoid making emotional decisions that may negatively affect investment outcomes.

India’s time has undeniably arrived, and it is now poised for tremendous growth. However, to fully maximize this potential, it is crucial to get ahead of the curve. As prices rise, it becomes increasingly challenging to make purchases at attractive prices. If an investor sold a stock at Rs 100 and it subsequently reaches Rs 200, it may be difficult to buy back in at that point. Therefore, it is imperative to have a dispassionate and unbiased strategy in place to enter and exit the market without being driven solely by emotions.

Check out WeekendInvesting strategies to ride on this strong momentum that our country may witness in the coming times

Investing in the stock market is akin to betting on the fastest horse. It is essential to avoid falling in love with a particular stock or market and instead focus on rational decision-making. Momentum and week investing strategies can provide a solid foundation for participating and reaping the rewards of India’s anticipated growth.

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    Time for India to take off is coming !