Additional rules for out of turn rebalances for volatile markets

February 1, 2023 1 min read

In the first quarter of 2023, we have witnessed extremely sharp moves in some stocks that have caused us to go back and study if we could add more intra week or intra month rules to our existing models without hampering the outcomes to be used only in extreme volatile times.

We have from Feb 1 2023 instilled new rules for capping Group exposure and for Individual Stock volatility in all portfolios which if triggered will enable us to push an intra week or intra month rebalance in addition to the regular rebalances.

These additional rebalances are to be used only in extreme volatility situations.

The first such rebalance will be pushed on Feb 1 2023 to be executed on Feb 2 2023 for Mi-EverGreen strategy.
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    Additional rules for out of turn rebalances for volatile markets