Mi50 – update and changes

March 6, 2017 1 min read

The previous week was flattish and the performance of both the strategy and indices was nothing to write about.

Last week mi50 ended at +47.12 % vs 15.5% and 19.7% for NSe50 and CNX500.

There were 3 exits : MOIL, Aries and ITDCEM and 2 additions : AHLUCONT AND MAHSEAMLES.

image (41).png

The market may remain in a tight range till Mar 10th. The results of UP elections will cause a gap on the 13th. I am expecting a new high in March itself.

Reports will now be done at end of month going forward. So have a good month. Cheers.

0 thoughts on “Mi50 – update and changes

  1. I see that now your system is bullish on Steel Pipe sector. Nice to see though I personally think they may correct for next 2-3 months before going up like rocket in second half of 2017.
    Except for PSU banks all 3 stocks I own have done phenomenally well. Anytime in March 2017 I expect 25-30% jump in good PSU Banks as well. Its high time :-(.
    4G sector looks like THE leader for next 5 years.

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    Mi50 – update and changes