Mi50- testing real draw-down phase now..11 exits.

November 18, 2016 1 min read

The wave against emerging markets continue and so far the feeling is that this is a healthy correction. It may be coincidental, but it is good that the Demonetization purge is happening alongside.

Mi50 has closed the week at 30.42% vs 4.3% and 7.1% for Nse50 and CNX500 for the FY respectively.


The draw-down reached 19.59% at the end of the week, the deepest since the inception.

image (33).png

The out performance of Mi50 vs the two indices this week continued to decline. The momentum in market continues to be under severe pressure.

The stocks that were exited today with their performance are:

RAMCOCEM 525.00 30.92%
GOCLCORP 236.14 -33.22%
KSL 266.83 44.04%
BLUESTARCO 463.00 16.77%
BODALCHEM 108.95 48.43%
SUPPETRO 190.00 44.38%
ORIENTPPR 64.95 88.81%
CANFINHOME 1491.05 25.83%
LLOYDELENG 245.00 -25.10%
ATUL 2072.36 19.03%
BALAMINES 292.77 64.48%

The ones added are:

11/18/2016 UJAAS 38.55

The strategy now has 25 shares in play and about 46% capital in LiquidBees.

The distribution of sectors now :


The Win Loss statistics for the strategy are :

All Trades Wins Avg Losses Avg
53 33.81% 29 -9.04%
Exits Only Wins Avg Losses Avg
36 35.67% 22 -8.58%


With more than 44% capital in cash, the volatility of the portfolio will be sober going forward. It may be the best time to take a long vacation.


Have a good one.


0 thoughts on “Mi50- testing real draw-down phase now..11 exits.

  1. See that stocks related to property – Ramco, Blue Star, Canfin, Lloyd and
    Crude Derivatives – Bodal, Sup Petro, Atul, Balaji going out. Brilliant.
    High cash call – 46% also looks appropriate for next 3-4 months.
    Want to see at what point it adds PSU Banks.

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    Mi50- testing real draw-down phase now..11 exits.