Name change

September 22, 2018 1 min read

Our charity product which was earlier named as “Mi20” will henceforth be called

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The need to distinguish it from our regular paid products is to create a visual separation from profit products vs the charity based product.

The name Mi20 will subsequently be used for a separate weekendinvesting strategy in the near future.

0 thoughts on “Name change

  1. Sir

    Is MiLRHR open for subscription.


    On Sat 22 Sep, 2018, 16:49, wrote:

    > posted: “Our charity product which was earlier named > as “Mi20″ will henceforth be called Mi-LRHR The need to distinguish it from > our regular paid products is to create a visual separation from profit > products vs the charity based product. The name Mi20 will subse” >

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