Samvat 2073 starts with a BANG! Mi50

October 30, 2016 1 min read

Mi50 closes at a ATH of 49.53% absolute returns for FY1617

Fridays’ new entrants galloped hard in todays’ special session. PNBGILTS is up 3.79% and PROZONINTU is up 6.67%

The new developments in the US elections gives me a more convincing reason why Trump will win and we should get a “stockshock” on Nov 9th. I will be happy to be proven wrong.

On mi50 crossing of 50% returns (if it does), I will be hosting a celebration here in Delhi and shall invite all of you. Please watch my twitter TL for the same.

Till then, continue to enjoy the festive season.

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    Samvat 2073 starts with a BANG! Mi50