Symbol/ Name search FAQ

April 20, 2018 1 min read

In all our products portfolio updates we refer to the company as per its NSE symbol. Usually there is no ambiguity but there are brokers out there who use their own symbols as well ( god knows why!)

In case you are not sure about the company, go to  and type in your symbol in the box where it says enter company name or symbol. You will get the full name and its current quote too.

Sometimes some stocks are put in the Trade for trade settlement category ( BE segment) vs the regular rolling (EQ segment). (In BE segment one can only take delivery transactions and not trade intraday – irrelevant for us ).

In these cases the regular EQ segment would have no quotes. So say you can have ITI EQ and ITI BE as two separate symbol combinations at your broker screen. Chose the one that is trading now.

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    Symbol/ Name search FAQ