The Good Bad and Ugly Weekly review 11 Sep 2020

September 11, 2020 2 min read

The market was non-directional this week and while Bank Nifty slipped through the week Nifty picked up some strength in the latter half of the week.

The smallcases all are doing well and gained even in a mediocre week. The gains in both MiMTAllcap and MiSTATH have been phenomenal and while the market does look a bit heated up these strategies should be invested into at every sharp drop. The new SEBI dictat should benefit all smallcases with smallcap exposure. Mi25 should benefit the most.

For Monday 14 SEP 2020, the proposed changes are:

Mi_MT_Allcap     : NO CHANGE.
Mi_ST_ATH           :2 ADDS
Mi 25                      :NO CHANGE.

In the LIVE product strategies,  all products gained handsomely with Mi25 and Mi50 standing out. The LIVE products provides a mature ground for more diversified and lower risk strategies than the smallcases and are suited for larger portfolios.

A high point of my own personal achievement was reached this week as Smallcase wrote a piece about my advisory in their blog piece.

All in all a mixed bag of a week. Lets hope for some sun shine in the next

That is all this week. STAY SAFE and stay in peace !

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    The Good Bad and Ugly Weekly review 11 Sep 2020