Tough week – Mi50 @25.9%

August 12, 2016 1 min read

With many of the more volatile sugar stocks moving out, the under-performance of the mi50 portfolio was expected viz a viz the broader market. The strategy is at its deepest draw-down of about 7% since the start.

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The stocks added are being added at 2% of current equity hence the position size of incremental additions is gaining.

ManaliPetro is the worst investment so far which lost 15% in two weeks. Outgoing Kakatiya cem made 68% gains on its position though much less than what was achieved meanwhile.

The internals from a Risk managment point of view still look amazing. So no reason for worry.

Wins Avg Losses Avg
43.00 31.85% 18 -3.63%

Mechanical strategies are best if left under-analysed..hence time to say goodbye.
Have a great weekend.



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    Tough week – Mi50 @25.9%