Here is a small comparison on the various products at weekendinvesting.
Mi25 – Micro and small cap ( mostly) low priced stocks / All NSE / Basic liquidity / suits small portfolios to add small cap flavor to your overall allocation. Max 25 stocks.
Mi30 – CNX500 based All NSE / deep liquidity / Suits Mid size portfolios to add Short to medium term trend following – Max 33 stocks
Mi40 – CNX500 based All NSE stocks / Deep liquidity / Suits Mid and Large size portfolios to add Medium to long term trend following – Max 40 stocks
Mi50 – Small and Mid Cap All NSE stocks suits mid size to large portfolios to capture medium to long term trend following with greater diversification and lower draw-downs and returns than Mi40. Max 50 stocks.
Mi20 – is offered as a dual portfolio – A low risk and a high risk version . All proceeds here go to a charity foundation.
LRMi20 : CNX200 All NSE based Large and some mid cap stocks for medium to long term trend following. Can suit all size of portfolios looking to beat the base index returns. Max positions 20. Designed to be a low risk portfolio.
HRMi20 : All NSE based nano and micro cap stocks for medium term trend following. Good for trading picks or a high risk add to your base portfolios. Max positions 20. Designed as a HIGH risk portfolio.
Mi10 – Coming soon ( Formal launch expected Aug 2018). This is designed more as a higher risk – short term concentrated positional trading portfolio. Exits will be quick and the average hold for a losing trade shall be only about couple of weeks. Average winner will be about 4X of the average loser and the churn maybe about 30 trades per year and number of winners may be capped at 40-45 pct of the trades. Max positions will be 10 stocks from all cap NSE listed universe or CNX500 universe as per the product variation. The advantage of nimble exits can be seen in the back-test as the strategy sat out of the market from Mar 08 to Apr 09 will low double digit losses. 2011 was the worst year of the last 15 for this strategy at around -25% loss. For period 01 Apr 2016 to 22 Jun 2018 it clocked a return of 98% with a max drawdown at 23.5%.
Please await more details on this. This product will be offered complimentary as a soft launch to all existing weekendinvesting clients at the start.
A brief spec sheet is also available here
Any queries can always be sent to