Weekly Performance Review Jul 17 2020- New long format including smallcase updates

July 18, 2020 1 min read

Another week of amazing volatility has gone by.  Nifty started the week out of a range and then went all over the place before closing at a four month high.59cVZ

The weekendinvesting small case products have done well this week and for the year so far barring the Long term case. From this week I will update the smallcase re-balance notification here as well

Mi_LT_CNX200    : ADD  4 new stocks.
Mi_MT_Allcap     : NO CHANGE
Mi_ST_ATH           : NO CHANGE


Since Inception in Apr 16, all these strategies have beaten the benchmarks by a wide margin.

chart (10)

In the LIVE product strategies, Mi25 and Mi50 which include small cap stocks saw the most surge and the other CNX500 strategies Mi40 and Mi30 are slower to catch up.  All in all the LIVE products provides a mature ground for more diversified and lower risk strategies than the smallcases.


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    Weekly Performance Review Jul 17 2020- New long format including smallcase updates