How to rebalance your Smallcase from mobile app (Android) ? Posted on July 21, 2022 (December 22, 2022)
I have been doing my SIPs regularly. I noticed that my SIP based fundaddition to Smallcase would inevitably go into stocks that are down andabout to exit the portfolio. Why is that so ? What is the solution ? Posted on July 20, 2022 (December 30, 2022)
Should you need additional funds for your Smallcase rebalance ? I tried rebalancing today and got this notification Posted on July 20, 2022 (December 22, 2022)
During a rebalance, the sell order for a stock called APLAPOLLO whichwas supposed to exit the portfolio returned an error message which read“Sufficient shares may not be available in your holdings to place SELLorders for APLAPOLLO” Posted on July 20, 2022 (December 30, 2022)