Note : The period considered for metrics is 01 Apr 2016 to 02 Feb 2024 (7 years & 10 months)
Rs 100 invested in HNI Wealth Builder (v) Mid-small 400 index

Rs 100 invested in HNI Wealth Builder on 01 Apr 2016 would become Rs 818 (an 8x rise) compared to Rs 411 on the mid-small 400 index.
3 Year absolute Rolling Returns

HNI Wealth Builder has shown tremendous resilience through the difficult COVID 19 crash in Mar 2020 by staying in green in terms of the 3 year absolute rolling returns whereas the Mid-small 400 index fell to about 28% as on 31 Mar 2023.
The strategy has managed to outperform its benchmark in most part of the period.
3 Year Rolling CAGR

The 3 year rolling CAGR also presents a similar narrative to the 3 year absolute rolling returns chart with the strategy comfortably outperforming its benchmark across all periods.
The highlight is the positive 3 year CAGR around end of Mar 2020 whereas the same metric dropped to (-10%) for the mid-small 400 index.
3CAGR Since Launch

Since launch, HNI Wealth Builder has put up a fantastic show clocking a CAGR of 28% across a period of almost 8 years. During the COVID fall (Mar 2020), the CAGR of the portfolio stood at a healthy 15% compared to -2% on its benchmark.
Annual Returns Comparison

When you compare the annual performance, HNI Wealth Builder either outperformed or remained in line with its benchmark in all of the years in consideration. The massive beat in FY 2020 where the strategy dropped 2% in comparison to mid-small 400’s (-34%) proved to be a great deal for the strategy to clock a massive overall outperformance.
The performance in FY 24 (till 02 Feb 2024) stands at 87% compared to 62% on the mid-small 400 index.
Quarterly Returns Comparison

SIP Returns Comparison

Win – Loss Metrics

The highlight of this metric is the significantly low average loss of 11.5% compared to a healthy 53% average gain.
Top Gainers / Losers of HNI Wealth Builder

Stock stories from HNI Wealth Builder
Stock #1 : TANLA 811% gains

Stock #2 : ALKYLAMINE 462% gains

Stock #3 : GRAPHITE – 411% gains