FAQ #4

June 17, 2022 1 min read

There hasn’t been any rebalance to my portfolio since the last many weeks. Is there any issue ?

There is absolutely no issue at all.

Rebalance may not be a compulsory event every week/month. The occurrence of rebalance depends on the outcome of algorithms we run on the last trading day of the week (in case of weekly rebalanced portfolios) & last trading day of the month (in case of monthly rebalanced portfolios) .

If the algorithm determines that the criteria for addition / exit is not met, the existing portfolio will continue to run resulting in a ‘no rebalance’ scenario.

Hence, there could be periods with frequent churn or rebalance and there could also be a period of several weeks or months without a rebalance.

As users, there is nothing to worry about in either of the scenarios. You may kindly execute rebalance as and when a notification is pushed from our side.

If you have any further doubts or questions, please send an email to support@weekendinvesting.com

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    FAQ #4